UL-PIRE IRB and NREB convened a two-day workshop from 17-18 June 2021 during a retreat at Farmington Hotel, in nearby Margibi County (Liberia), in order to review the past twelve months activities. Of key importance was the finalization of the Human Research Ethics Training Manual to be used as a curriculum for ethics committees, researchers and students in Liberia. The main objective was to develop a manual that meets national and international standards.
The workshop was attended by ULPIRE-IRB and NREB members. The team discussed the successes and challenges of the overall LiberHetica project relative to their respective activities. There was a review of all the LiberHetica project deliverables completed thus far and the processes in fast tracking the implementations of pending deliverables for Year 2 of the LiberHetica project. The workshop was successful as the intended objectives were achieved; it will form part of the Year 2 Project Report.